Why Every Couple Should Consider Premarital Counseling


What is Premarital Counseling?

Marriage is a milestone and a big decision. When couples get engaged, they are in a happy phase of their life where everything feels right and exciting. Not many couples immediately think they need couples counseling because counseling makes them think they might have problems. That is a common misconception that will will discuss in this article among other benefits of premarital counseling. Couples counseling isn’t just for couples who have issues but to prevent issues from arising later on. If you’re a proactive couples, premarital counseling is for you! When going to premarital counseling you will learn lessons to last a lifetime and conflict resolution strategies. You may have already had a few big fights while dating or there may be things that weren’t ever discussed because it didn’t come up yet. Premarital counseling touches all the couple themes in 8-10 sessions to go over the important matters and help you have a fulfilling, happy marriage.

Premarital Counseling and Its Goals

Ultimately, premarital counseling is to prepare you for marriage. It is proactive, giving you the tools you need to succeed. By identifying and addressing areas of conflict, it helps couples communicate better.

Premarital counseling also discusses topics around sensitive topics such as finances, personal goals, and sex. These topics can be hard to talk about together and why having a platform and therapist there guiding the conversation can be extremely beneficial!

The Distinction Between Premarital and Marriage Counseling

The big difference between marriage and premarital is that premarital is preventative and proactive while marriage counseling is reactive. Most couples don’t go to marriage counseling when everything is seemingly right, they wait until things get out of their control to seek help with an expert marriage therapist.

The Benefits of Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling prepares you and your partner for success. It is a platform to voice yourself and concerns, to discuss fears, goals, aspirations, and anything else you want to discuss. It is a place to be heard about your relationship prior to tying the knot.

It helps couples understand one another better, giving you both the opportunity to voice your thoughts, hopes, dreams and fears and a better understanding and mutual respect.

By sharing this information, your visions will align and this shared vision will give you the confidence you need to a happy and healthy marriage, one that lasts a lifetime.

Strengthening Communication Skills

In equipping couples and providing the communication skills needed, you will learn how to have arguments in a constructive manner, ensuring that your voices are heard and navigating conflict effectively.

In premarital counseling, you will learn how to have empathy, importance of attachment styles and their meaning, and respect in disagreements and the importance of active listening. By reducing misunderstandings, couples learn how to speak to one another clearly and effectively.

Conflict Resolution Strategies for a Lasting Marriage

Conflicts happen in any relationship. Premarital counseling helps couples find conflict resolution strategies.

When learning conflict resolution strategies, you will gain a solid understanding of your partner, their wants, needs and desires in conflict. By understanding and having this knowledge, finding a middle ground will become much easier.

Through premarital counseling, couples will resolve conflicts instead of damaging their bond. Words are powerful and can be detrimental to a couple. Learn how to effectively communication through conflict with your partner with empathy, compassion and understanding.

Aligning Values and Financial Goals

Values change over time and our values change depending on the phase of life we are in. By learning your values and partners values and aligning them together, you will have the ability to see more clearly of the vision between you as a couple.

Other topics such as finances, which is a sensitive topic for many. Did you know that the one common reason for divorce is for financial reasons? You can eliminate the need for financial distress by preventatively discussing it in premarital counseling. Both of you as a couple will work toward financial understanding through discussing spending habits, savings goals and financial planning.

Emotional Intimacy and Sexual Compatibility

Sex and intimacy are important to relationships. By discussing each others needs and finding common ground, creating balance within your relationship. There may be issues that you want to discuss to prepare you better for marriage. Through understanding of these sensitive topics, you’ll be better equipped for marriage.

The Structure and Approach of Premarital Counseling

Every couple is unique and there isn’t one type of premarital counseling for everyone. Premarital counseling is a personalized approach. One aspect does remain true and that is the themes in premarital may be similar however the content within those themes can change.

Typical Duration and Sessions Overview

At Sagebrush Counseling, we recommend 3, 6 or 10 sessions depending on your needs as a couple. Counseling sessions are tailored to you and what is important to discuss. When starting premarital counseling, an assessment will be given to you and your partner to address areas of need.

Various Approaches: Religious, Secular, and Personalized

Premarital counseling isn’t only for religious couples, it is for anyone who is planning to get married. By taking into account your personal beliefs and creating a premarital plan on topics that are important for you and your partner. If you’re religious, then looking at it from a religious lens. If you aren’t then approaching it from a secular or psychological lens. Premarital counseling is for everyone and one misconception is that it is only for religious couples.

Overcoming Misconceptions and Challenges

Premarital counseling doesn’t mean you and your partner have weaknesses, in fact, quite the contrary is true. You’re addressing issues head on to prevent bigger issues from arising. This shows strength in your relationship and that you want the best for one another. It is a proactive approach that you want a lifelong commitment with one another.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

Premarital counseling is about enhancing the relationship you have, not fixing issues. It is a way for a couple to come together and be proactive about topics and themes within a relationship.

The Role of the Premarital Counselor

At Sagebrush Counseling, we will address the needs of you as a couple that are unique to you. By facilitating the discussion and guiding you to have an amazing relationship and marriage together. You will find a safe and comforting space and the tools you need to excel.

Conclusion: The Lasting Impact of Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is an investment into your relationship and the cost can last a lifetime of a beautiful marriage together. Invest in your relationship prior to tying the knot, it is a decision that will help you have a fulfilling, wonderful lifelong marriage together! Schedule a session today or contact us to learn more.


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