Our Tips for Summer Depression


Our Tips for Summer Depression

Summer depression is one of those things which may seem seasonal, yet it could be something more than just the change in weather. Summertime depression may be the result of many things in your life, yet it’s important to remember you can overcome it through a variety of methods we’re happy to offer here at Sagebrush counseling. Read on to learn more about how we can help you with your summertime depression and have you on track to having the best summer yet.

What is Summer Depression?

Summer depression is commonly associated with depressive episodes where one may begin to feel saddened or depressed once summertime rolls around. This could be the result of several factors coinciding all at once, or it could be the result of associations with summertime, or it could even be something you can’t exactly pinpoint as the root cause. Whatever may be causing your summertime depression, we’ll be sure to help you determine and resolve.

Summertime SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Summertime seasonal affective disorder can greatly impact one’s quality of life. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder can manifest throughout any season of the year, yet it’s most common during winter, and second most common in the summer. Below is a list of common reasons why one may begin to experience summer depression.

Disrupted Routines

Disrupted routines can cause many mental health effects, including everything from increased stress  to anxiety. Additionally, the disruption of one’s routine may lead to depression if one begins to feel overwhelmed and shuts down. A routine is very important for maintaining mental health, so if you’ve found this aspect of summertime to be disruptive to your overall mental health and wellbeing, it may be a good idea to seek out counseling for this specific issue.

Body Image Issues

Body dysmorphia has never been a larger problem in the world than today. With the proliferation of social media, people are more self-conscious than ever before, especially when it comes to body image. Summertime is the season for bikinis and beach time, so if you’re noticing yourself examining your body in the mirror more and more, or you’re feeling as though you’re not up to the beauty standards of social media, it’s very important you seek out help before it becomes a larger problem.

Financial Stressors

Summertime is often associated with vacations and vacations typically will cost a lot more than you anticipate. Especially with inflation, there’s no longer the “affordable vacation” most of us grew up with. If you see your friends having a dream vacation and you cannot even afford a “staycation”, you’ll likely feel bummed out at the very least, or full blown depressed in some cases. This is a natural response and could be considered a more intense version of FOMO (fear of missing out). We can help with our counseling strategies to immerse you in the practice of gratitude and gratefulness, where you can learn to appreciate the good in your life; with or without a summer vacation.

Heat-Induced Depression

The heat can cause all sorts of health effects to arise if you're not careful. If you happen to live in a hotter environment such as Texas, you’ll likely find yourself spending the majority of the afternoon indoors, combatting the brutal summer heat. Between the severe heat index we often have here in Texas during the summer and high humidity, it's very easy to have your body become overwhelmed and develop heat stroke. If you notice the more time you spend outside during the summer months, the more you feel symptoms of heat exhaustion and depression. It may be a good idea to stick indoors with air-conditioning until the weather begins to cool off in the evening.

Tips to Help Combat Summertime Depression

Below are some tips to help your summertime depression:

Reach Out for Help

Reaching out for help, even non-professional help can be the right move to begin the process towards bouncing out of your summertime depression. Even just expressing your feelings and emotions to a close friend or family member can make a huge difference. If you’ve found that route to be ineffective, you’ll want to reach out to us for professional counseling.

Plan Ahead Accordingly

If you’ve noticed summertime depression episodes in the past, you’ll want to develop some type of a plan of action for this upcoming summer. This could include everything from meeting with your counselor, to ensuring you’re sleeping enough, eating the right foods, etc…

Sleep Well

Sleep is essential for every aspect of our health. If you’re not sleeping enough every night, you’re eventually going to feel the negative effects. It could be everything from physical effects, to emotional instability, to mental health issues developing. A good night’s rest can be just what you need some days and it will likely allow you to process your emotions much more effectively the following day.

Exercise During the Morning, Before It’s Too Hot

Exercise is important, there’s no question about that. However, if you choose to exercise during peak sunlight hours in a hotter climate, you may run the risk of heat exhaustion and end up feeling worse than if you hadn’t gone for a run. Exercise during the morning hours when it’s cooler outside, and you’ll likely find this to be a great start to your day.

Eat Well

Diet greatly influences all components of our bodily functions. It comes down to: “put good in, get good out”. If you choose to eat the right foods, you’re likely going to feel much better than if you eat a poor diet full of preservatives and inflammatory ingredients. You may also be deficient in a certain vitamin, mineral, or nutrient. If you believe this to be the case, it’s important you consult a nutritionist or medical professional to identify the nutritional deficits you may have.


If you need to take some days off during the summer for yourself, please do so. Yes, the summertime is full of socialization and fun, yet if social obligations are beginning to feel too overwhelming; it’s important to take some time for yourself and rest and reset. You must look out for yourself first and foremost.

Perform Some Introspective Activities

Taking days off for yourself to just lounge around the house, read a good book, garden, etc… can be just what you need to set aside some time for introspection where you can sort things out internally.

Ask Yourself if You’re Living Your Life for You, Or Living Your Life for Others

Are you doing what you actually want to do with your life? If so, great! If you find yourself questioning why you’re involving yourself with certain people or activities throughout the summer, you may want to step back and begin to ask yourself what you really want to do with your summers, and ultimately what you want to do with your life.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

We all have good days and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up if the days lately have been more good than bad. We’re here to help you bounce out of it and have one of your best summers yet.

Contact Us if You’re Seeking Out Summer Depression Focused Counseling

If you’re seeking out counseling for summer depression, you’ll want to contact us using the button below. We’ll be sure to reach out to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we’re eager to begin helping you overcome our summer depression through a variety of holistic counseling methods.


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