Cheating OCD in Relationships
Cheating OCD is a subtype of OCD that involves relationship. In this article we will break down the forms of cheating OCD and how to heal and overcome cheating OCD.
What is Cheating OCD?
Cheating OCD is a type of OCD that can affect an individual or couple because it is a subtype of OCD. Individual who have cheating OCD may have fears of cheating on their partner or their partner cheating on them. Usually the fear is persistent and intense which crosses over to more OCD if the thoughts are rumination and obsession or both obsessions and compulsions as we’ll explain in greater detail below. This type of OCD can happen when worrying about the individuals actions or their partners.
Fear of Being Cheated On
The first type of cheating OCD is the fear of being cheated on. Since OCD can happen without evidence or reason, the fears may be more irrational fears based without any evidence or even prior history of cheating. This doesn’t mean it’s always the case as some people develop OCD from traumas they’ve experienced in the past. In cheating OCD there typically isn’t a reason to suspect cheating.
Fear I’ll Cheat on My Partner
The second type of cheating OCD is a fear the individual will cheat on their partner. OCD likes to interfere with things someone cares about and the thoughts can show up as loops creating stories that don’t exist or based on irrational fears without evidence.
What Does Cheating OCD Look Like?
There are four components of cheating OCD and how it presents itself in relationships. It can be sneaky and not always obvious as OCD can blur someone’s reality and skew their thoughts and perceptions.
1) Intrusive Thoughts: Recurrent thoughts that may feel like a negative thought loop of being cheated on or cheating on your partner.
2) Cheating Compulsions: This can look like constantly needing reasussrance from your partner and asking if they are cheating on you, checking messages, etc. Or if you fear you’ll cheat on your partner you may over analyze an interaction or afraid to make new connections fearing this could lead to cheating.
3) Doubt: OCD brings a lot of doubt to someone’s reality. Doubt can come in the form of being uncertain if your partner is being honest or doubting your own perception on if you might cheat on your partner when you know that is something you don’t want to do.
4) Guilt: Feelings of emotional distress, guilt and anxiety that increase in magntitiude when you know that your partner isn’t cheating and you are, the feeling is bigger than what your mind is telling you.
Healing from Cheating OCD
The first step in healing from OCD is seeking help from a mental health therapist. Someone who specializes in ERP or I-CBT to help you work through relationship and cheating OCD. If you have a significant other, couples counseling is a way to help the other partner understand what you’re experiencing and working through the cheating OCD as a couple with strategies and effective communication. Battling cheating OCD alone is tough.
Cheating OCD Commonly Asked Questions
Can I manage cheating OCD on my own?
We always suggest seeking help when having OCD. If you manage OCD on your own steps toward mindfulness, education and avoiding seeking reassurance are steps you can take on your own.
What causes cheating OCD?
There isn’t one main cause for OCD. Some studies show that genetic components or environment may be the cause. Other factors are triggering events or traumas that can create OCD disorders.
How does cheating OCD differ from normal relationship concerns?
We find this question gets asked and want to address what is normal for relationships. Cheating OCD is disproportionate to the relationship from the constant doubting, fears and questions. It creates an unhealthy dynamic. The anxiety that is created within the relationship affects both people and reassurance doesn’t help.
Can cheating OCD affect relationships?
Yes, OCD can affect relationships. Both partners can experience emotional fatigue from constantly questioning and doubting the relationship and also compulsions that can come with having OCD.
What treatments are available for cheating OCD?
Below we discuss treatments available in counseling for individuals seeking out treatment. Couples counseling can also be beneficial since cheating OCD affects both individuals in a relationship. Other treatments are support groups.
Is recovery possible?
Absolutely. Some of the go-to therapy modalties are I-CBT which has been shown to be effective at treating OCD, phobias and anxieties in this study conducted and exposure therapy.
Should I go to couples therapy if my partner has cheating OCD?
If your partner has cheating OCD and you find it affecting your relationship, couples counseling can help.