How Often Do People Go to Therapy?

How Often Do People Go to Therapy?

Therapy is a very powerful tool for those seeking out personal growth and emotional healing from a variety of experiences throughout their life. But the question of “how often do people go to therapy?” remains. In this post, we’ll be going over how the frequency of therapy visits can vary from person to person, depending on individual needs, therapy goals, and the type of therapy being pursued. Read on to learn more about what influences the number of therapy sessions one attends and why no matter how often you choose to go to therapy, the important thing is that you’re choosing to go to therapy in the first place.

Individual Needs & Preferences

The individual needs and preferences for individuals seeking out therapy are often dictated by the type of issues they’re dealing with. More intense issues will likely require more intense therapy solutions. The best therapy which is tailored to an individual's specific needs and preferences. Weekly sessions are often deemed the best starting point for those seeking out therapy for the first time. However, it may be beneficial to have two sessions per week at first if there’s a lot to unpack during the first few months. On the other hand, there may be some who find they benefit most from a once-per-month session which helps them to unpack what’s been going over the past thirty days in a productive way. It’s all about what works best with you as an individual seeking out therapy at the end of the day.

Types of Therapy

The type of therapy you choose to partake in will likely affect the frequency and length of sessions. CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) may require regular sessions to monitor the progress being made and the right strategies to employ for best results. In contrast, psychoanalytic therapy may have multiple sessions per week to reflect its intensive nature.

Therapy Goals

When seeking out therapy, one will want to define their specific goals with therapy. It’s very similar to when one is beginning a workout routine. Without establishing some initial goals, there won’t be set milestones along the way to achieve and produce motivation for future goals to be accomplished. Those who are working through some very complex issues will likely require more frequent visits, whereas others who have been in therapy for some time may just want to partake in “maintenance” sessions to keep the progress going throughout the year. These “maintenance” sessions could be once per month, bimonthly, or once per quarter even.

Practical Considerations

It’s also important to consider real-world conflicts which may affect the frequency of therapy visits such as overlapping work schedules, financial constraints, and geographic location if the sessions are held in-person. Online therapy sessions have made the world of therapy much more accessible in recent years, allowing those who would’ve previously had to forego therapy to have ready access to the best therapists in their area with ease.

Changing Needs Over Time

The frequency of therapy visits will likely change over time. As you begin to work through some of the tougher, initial issues with your therapist, you’ll often find when progress is being made, there may be less of a need to have sessions every single week. You’ll likely have developed the coping skills and strategies to conquer your issues and problems head on with strength. Alternatively, there may be times where you need to have an extra therapy session if you’ve had a particularly tough week. This is completely normal and is quite common amongst those who seek out therapy. You should always seek out therapy as much as you feel you need to best improve your mental outlook on your day-to-day life.

Choose Sagebrush Counseling for Your Therapy Needs Today

Ultimately, you and your therapist are the ones who know best when it comes to determining how much therapy you need to find the best results. Consulting with your therapist to find the right balance of therapy where you not only begin to look at life through a different, more positive lens, but you also begin to thrive on a daily basis, is when you know you’ve found the right level of therapy for you to finally begin living life to the fullest extent.

If you’ve been searching for a therapist to help you address any issues you’ve been going through, you’ll want to schedule an intake session below. We’ll be happy to help you on your journey towards mental health and wellness once again. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we’re eager to begin transforming your outlook on life with the help of our holistic therapy geared towards betterment of individuals and couples.


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